Re: Cost centre to be automatically fetched from MO in MIGO
Hi, When you do issue using mvt 261, expense will be booked against order. Then why you need to enter cost center? You can give cost center at the time of order settlement. Regards,Sudeep.
View ArticleLast 3 Data package load remains yellow in Cube
Dear All, When loading inventory data in Cube initially the data load remains yellow in first data package itself, than i got solution from SCN discussion, that is i increased parallel process from 3...
View ArticleRe: What is the craziest thing you have done in your office?
Sure Buddy !! And that would now make it Fantastic Five
View ArticleRe: Reclassification of receivables and payable based on due date
Hi, Thank you Julie and chandra Sekhar Regards, GK
View ArticleRe: Please maintain services or limits
Hi Venkatesh Please provide the error message number and class which you are getting in return table. Nabheet
View ArticleRe: TDS payment Entry cancellation issue
Hi, If you use 8.82, there is no such option to cancel TDS payment. You need to upgrade to 9.0 version. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleAPPLICATION.setVariableValue - BEx variable configuration
Hi I want to use the function APPLICATION.setVariableValue() or APPLICATION.setVariableValueExt() in the "On Startup" area to pass a java script variable to a BEx variable. No mather how I configure...
View ArticleRe: Finding changes in a program across systems
Hi, You can check version and differences using Harish's comment. If you are talking about transformation program's as this fourm is for BW, you can get generated program which include all field level...
View ArticleReissue SAP certificate
Can any help me how o re issue sap certificate from SAP i loss my certifiacte
View ArticleRe: EHP5 E-Separation Request NOT opening from UWL
You can create one WDABAP application for HR_EA_A_OVERVIEW_RM and provide this link in MSS -> Work Overview. Approver can access all the e-separation request from this service. it will not show...
View ArticleRe: Compounding Issue
Hi Sai, Restrict the Compound characteristic with CR01 in the dynamic filter. Then you will get only Nylon instead of CR01/Nylon in the report. Thanks,Purushotham.
View ArticleError when acess Afaria admin page
Hi everyone! I have installed Afaria server, Afaria API Service and Administrator. But when i acess Afaria admind page then get error message( below screenshot ) I do'nt know why, can you help...
View ArticleRe: MRP Message Horizon/Time Range
Hi Jorg, Check these two setting in customizing. All the messages you can not change. You can create a new one. Hope this helps. Regards,Krishnendu
View ArticleRe: S_ALR_87011990 date format
Hi Kiril I do not know why it did not work for Giovanni, but, it works for me. I go into Su3, change the data format for my user id and log off. When I log in again, I am able to see the table entries...
View ArticleRe: How to add and Change the Components quantity in Production Order Using...
Hi kiran,thanks a lot for your sujjestions, i may be wrong at this place,i have just told him to get the details of components for thatmaterial, may be its BAPI*PROD*CHANGE, as you have sujjested.But...
View ArticleRe: Error when opening an RFC connection
Dear Holger, Thanks for sharing...!! I was also gettng same error with return code 242 for DEV to SOLMAN trusted RFC. The issue is SOLMAN is on Windows Platform and the Windows Platform and Windows...
View ArticleRe: Billing document number range
Hi, Can you check your Number range object in SNRO, if any If there is no buffer maintained, you can take a look at the userexit "USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE" and check any buffer parameter is maintained...
View ArticleRe: How does printing of a smartform through standard tcode works?
It is more suited to a discussion than a question. It will remain a discussion. Please do not cross-post. The duplicate has been rejected.
View ArticleRe: HTTP to HTTPS (only for selected services)?
If you choose to implement End-to-End SSL, you will have to maintain certificates on several systems. With AS ABAP and AS JAVA it's a manual process. Something you may want to think about. PKI becomes...
View ArticleEPM - Filter in the column Axis
Hello Experts, There is a Business requirement where in at the column Level a filter has to be given and the user will select the member from the filter. The model has dimensions like cost Center,...
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