Inbox is not coming in the portal
Dear Experts; While testing the MSS i faced a problem which is the Inbox is not coming in the portal, however when I'm trying to check it from the SPRO it's appearing with all the incoming mails in it....
View ArticlePerformance Appraisal approvals
Hi Experts, I would like to know if it is possible to have performance appraisal approvals with the help of Fiori. Is it possible to notify the manager for approval depending on the status of the...
View ArticleRe: PBDOM to C#
Hi Panos... What I know is that PBDOM is unsupported in .net targets... They recommend using .net's available classes. But maybe you could create a com object (of course, in an older version of PB, ex....
View ArticleRe: How to avoid standard Authorization checks in BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA
Also the "authorization convenience" for calls to WORKFLOW* destinations should ideally not be (mis)used outside the context of WAPIs (Workflow APIs). There is however nothing wrong with creating your...
View ArticleRe: Does HANA have a result cache
With the cached result set, the data changes will not be reflected unless the cache is invalidated. Although once the result set is cached, the subsequent execution of the queries requiring the same...
View ArticleRe: Query plan visulization tool - ease to use, hard to understand
May be the comments from Lars on the document Show me the timelines, baby! will offer some pointers. Understanding SAP HANA PerformancePerformance in SAP HANA Databases - Webinar ReplayAdvertisment -...
View ArticleList of Hot Fixes for SAP Cloud for Travel
Hi, Is there a place where I can find the list of Hot Fixes with the details of the issues and fixes, also the detail of the issues coming up.This will be very helpful. Cheers.
View ArticleRe: Non-Reimbursbale Expense Becomes Negative if Marked Personal
Thanks Britt. Can you also let me know how this is treated in FI posting, any non-reimbursable expense type in the expense report when posted to FI will be a statistical only?
View ArticleRe: Inspection lot creation as a follow-up action during UD
Hi Hari , Sorry I misinterpreted your query. But Yes, Anand is right. Why do you need this downgraded material to go into QI stock again? Once you have inspected X, same characteristics would be...
View ArticleSAP VE SDK highlighting a node
Hello Friends,Using SAP VE SDK,how can i programmaticly highlight a particular node.regardskaushik
View ArticleRe: Background scheduling
Hi Divakar, Any program can be scheduled in background. Basically all the programs which process huge data, lock tables for long time, consume memory for long time, affect online business process are...
View ArticleBex query is not reading the request from the target.
Hi, we are executing a bex query and the query is fetching the latest request data sometines and sometimes it is not fetching the latest request. Any suggestions plz, to know why the query is reading...
View ArticleRe: How can advance PR availability date by managing receiving calendar?
can someone help me with this?
View ArticleRe: Windows 8 for 8.82 below
Well, it's actually clear as it states on the supporting document of SAP. But I have read other forums that they said they are working on the windows 8. I though there's just no updated documentation...
View ArticleRe: "Help is needed urgently"-Document Splitting Issue, Things to check &...
Hi Rala, Few things to proceed further: What is the document splitting characteristics, as in my case splitting is based on Busienss area. It seems in your case the splitting is based on characteristcs...
View ArticleRe: co closing step question
Hi.. Following process is common closing sequence. 1.PM order settlement2.FI depreciation run3.FI expense closing4.CO allocation cycle execute5.Splitting & Price Calculation6.Revaluation at actual...
View ArticleRe: PO price Change table
Hi, CDHDR and CDPOS stores all changes to all documents, including master data changes. Option 1: If you want to filter the price changes to PO, go to SE16 and go to the table CDPOS. Enter your PO...
View ArticleRe: Incident status when RFC is created from create follow-up
Hi, This will be done via the SET_PREDOC, check the SMIN predecessor document for particular status Rg,Karthik
View ArticleNeed few Clarifications on Upgrade from MII 11.5 to 14.0
Hi All, We are planning for MII upgrade from 11.5 to 14.0.2. For this I need few clarifications Existing system Configuration & MII Working Applications: OS:Window Server 2003, Enterprise Edition,...
View ArticleREO Object Error
Hi, Controlling Document is generated with REO Profit. analysis/BA Profitability Analysis for Billing Document. However, CO-PA is not activated for the client. What would be the probable reason for...
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