Re: ABAP 7.40 Syntax Question
Pipes are delimiters of non-translatable text. I.e. if you've got some text that you don't want to be translated, and never should be translated, instead of surrounding it with ' surround it with |...
View ArticleRe: BPC 10.1 - Missing BW users
This is a known issue.Please refer to KBA 2036093 for details.
View ArticleRe: Starting dialog 'StartSHDFailed' while starting shadow instance
Hi Divyanshu please find my "dev_ms" ---------------------------------------------------trc file: "", trc level: 1, release: "740"--------------------------------------------------- [Thr...
View ArticleRe: ASE - LDAP Authentication
Javier, Look for this Article in the site... 2008 - i4 - Utilizing Secure LDAP to Centrally Manage ASE Authentication The Article is not about MS Exchange but it should help. Cory
View ArticleProblems with licensed R/3 4.6B.
Hi,In a 4.6B upgrade to 6.04 to make the system copy of 4.6B in new server. The system displays a license error.The saplicense-show command shows that my license is properly installed.My system runs a...
View ArticleIntelligent Clearing of Open Items - Smart Layouts/Filters/Analysis
Greetings from Entebbe, In the Financial Reporting service line, we are burdened to clean others mess! We are managing Missions Open Item Managed (OIM) Accounts. What we are doing, we pull each GL OIM...
View ArticleRe: How do SAP select the correct DC to issue stock out to store
Hi, Setting in both lines? Are you talking about supply-site in MC of site master? In that case if 2 lines exist with different DC's as supply source then - priority will be considered . There a field...
View ArticleRe: Problems with licensed R/3 4.6B.
Hi, Please update your host and services file 1st. Divyanshu
View ArticleAdding fields to ME21N document overiew
Hi, I would like to add to the current document overview (in ME21N) fields, such as "Your reference" or "Our reference"). Can it be acheived? Thanks.
View ArticleCreate storage bins and transport to production
I have a predefined list with storage bins that I want to create and transport to prod. system. How can I upload from excel and create storage bins with verification number (barcode)? I tried LS05 but...
View ArticleRe: box command printing issue
Dear Reddy, Do you want box for main window or something else. please let me know. ThanksRavilla
View ArticleRe: How to Extrator 0TR_LP_1 data from R3 to Bi .
Hi, it is the not LO data source no need fill the set up tables.first activate the data source in RSA5check the data source in RSA6check the data in source tables ( 0TR_LP_1 related tables)check the...
View ArticleRe: How to design this crosstab
Hi Hu, To suppress the totals, go to the Crosstab Expert > Customize Style > Check 'Suppress Row Grand Totals' and 'Suppress Column Grand Totals'. -Abhilash
View ArticleRe: SY-SUBRC = 10 for FM 'MATERIAL_UPDATE_ALL' - Rebasing Necessary.
Hi Amit, this comes from exception FIELD_S_EMPTY in fm MATERIAL_UPDATE_ALL, which means, that some mandatory fields are empty. Please set break-poits to all places, where flag flg_field_empty might be...
View ArticleRe: Ayuda transaction Ordenes de Fabricacion
Hola Creo que el problema radica en que SBO considera dentro del comprometido las cantidades solicitadas de cada componente en la orden de producción que estás procesando. Te dejo una consulta...
View ArticleRe: Billing plan issue in Milestone Billing
Please find the URL and refer the document and check the configuration settings it might be useful to you to get the billing plan screen....
View ArticleRe: Print main window of SAPSRIPT with multiple field conditions
Hi Pujarini Patra, Why don't you do these things in print program itself. better to check the condition and pass to SAP SCRIPT from print program. we have other option, use subroutine in SAP SCRIPT...
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