Still we are getting the question from customer like, in some cases the same manager responsible for handling more than 3 or 4 countries. In this case from portal point of view we will assign all country specific MSS role. So in this case the manager will be getting 4 MSS roles in the Portal.
How come one country manager will be having from other country employees as reports to him, since every country manager will be sitting at their country location and he will be having access to only reportees from their country.
Since all OM and PA configurations will be done according to PA and PSA based.
yes in some clients they might be having this process, In your case if manager is having reportees from different countries then you have to call the custom employee profile application dynamically based on employee selection. This is little bit complex scenario and in future maintenance also little difficult.
In other way to avoid multiple country roles assignment to one manager i.e who's responsible for more than one country, you can assign the standard role and assign the authorizations in ECC side, so based on authorizations for that manager will not display the Salary Data, Training cost details , but tabs will be visible in this case.
So our customer asking is there any way to get only one role globally for MSS. This is just to understand if there are any real possibilities we have in the system as per our country specific requirement. If not as I mentioned we will proceed as discussed before by creating multiple roles.
Here 2 scenarios you have to consider
Scenario1 : one country can have only 5 applications and other country can have 10 applications. In this scenarios you need to have multiple roles.
Scenario 2 : you can have one MSS role as globally If your having common applications at all countries level but this is not going to be the scenario in MSS.