Re: Unable to add extra email to sold to party at the time of create sales...
Hi Please, see note 1797563 - Mobile phone and e-mail not updated in BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 / BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA2 Regards Eduardo
View ArticleRe: Disk storage selection
Hi, Please clarify your requirement on diskstorage? I am sorry, not able to understand your requirement. On client copy - Why don't you go with system copy (if client is bigger in size)?...
View ArticleRe: Parent members not calculated for AST and LEQ
hi Arnold, yes I have tried EPM. But exactly the same problem as using EVDRE. BR, Machiel
View ArticleRe: restrict invoice to a different company code
Have you checked this thread??Do you understand what you have to do??If yes, then go ahead...If No, then you can share your query...
View ArticleRe: Two Withholding tax during payment
Hi Tejas and Pablo the problem is the invoice are posting in background and even payment run will be executed in back ground ..
View ArticleRe: how to resolve #refresh error through BICS connection
#refresh error: Means report needs to be refreshed. Just refresh the report. But I am wondering why this is coming with Input control value change.What is the BO version. Cheers,Kiran
View ArticleB1DE 2.2
Hi, where can i Download that package? I don´t get a link.Could you please send some links? Thx
View ArticleRe: Scheduling Process
Hi mangesh, May i know were exactly i have to chk it Regards,Avinash
View ArticleRe: Bill of Entry duty transaction
Hi Chidambaram,We have used this Bill of Entry Concept for our retail customer.Let me explain you what exactly their requirement in SAP...Our customer usually purchase material at that what they do...
View ArticleRe: Billing Document not getting created due to faulty credit card authorization
If the issue is due to some third party interface, then you have to coordinate with that vendor. G. Lakshmipathi
View ArticleRe: Unable to Implement SAP NOTES
Hi Hashmi, (1) The first SAP Note you are talking about is 1127210 - Change documents for AccessControlList. Kindly follow the steps as specified in the SAP Note. Do exactly as mentioned in the SAP...
View ArticleRe: The subscript is too big or to small.
Hi Abhilash,Thanks for promptly reply.Can you elaborate please because the connection and data source is going to be samethere also.And as it is clear from the exception it may be because of long...
View ArticleRe: Notification priority
Hi Varun, Here is the User-Exit Soultion for your Query.I have just tested this.You will get this error message, when user tries to change Priority value in the Notification, once the Order has been...
View ArticleRe: Type conflict error for FM CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2
Hi Expert,Still no hope.... DATA : stb type table of stpox.DATA: matcat type table of CSCMAT .DATA: topmat type CSTMAT.DATA: dstst_flg type CSDATA-XFELD.Do i have any problem in the definition for...
View ArticleRe: 2LIS_04_P_MATNR delivering "negative" after images
too late to check now I guess :-(
View ArticleRe: Error while transporting the BI Statistics Data sources
Hi, Can you try to delete that 3.x flow. and recollect your data source in new tr.once its deleted then only it will allow you other wise, its keep on the same error. or otherwise collect your info...
View ArticleRe: SAP solman basic config
Hi Krishna, May be credential issue for slddsuser. Try the below script smdsetup managingconf hostname:"sapms://myhost.domain.corp" port:"81xx" user:"SMD_AGT" pwd:"xxxxxx" for SP10: user: SMD_AGT (...
View ArticleRe: SAP BI: C_TBI30_73 Certification questions
Hi nooka, Answers to your questions1) How can i get certification material? - You can cotact sap educations2)Is that any negative marks in the certification exam? - There is no negative marking for...
View ArticleABAP program - number of old versions
Hello, recently I have modified an Y* program several times. However, when I go Utilities/Versions/Version Management,I see only the last 6 versions?I remember clearly that there were more.Is that...
View ArticleError in Insert SQL statement in SAP hana Studio
Dear All, I am trying to insert entry in the Table which i created. I am wrinting below code for insert: in the SAP hana studio.insert into "SYSTEM"."STUDENT" values...
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