InstantiationException: Cannot instantiate...
We are trying to customize logon page for 7.4 portal, the custom EAR throws the following exception when trying to access using the URL:...
View ArticleRe: SMP 3.0 Install with MS SQL Server Database
The error seems to indicate it cannot find the necessary Visual C++ runtimes. I would start by installing the 2010 C++ runtimes and see if that fixes the issue. The error indicates 2010 / 2008 / 2005...
View ArticleRe: Stuff SAP could easily fix - rant / wish list
Alright, here is another one - in SE24 why does double-click only work on the Method column and doesn't work on Description? Sure, there is also a button to open editor, but why can't double-click on...
View ArticleRe: PB report with different header
You need the bands to autosize height, collapse them as the minimum height is always the height in development and slide everything all above.
View ArticleRe: Default the ROLE based on account type
Hello Shiva, You can enhance the event EH_ONSAVE of the component BP_HEAD, View BP_HEAD/BPHEADOverview. You can maintain a z table with the account type and the default role, and then, validate the...
View ArticleRe: VL10E batch job restrictions on delivery creation
You could always raise an error if there are no items in XLIPS (preventing the save of the delivery). Anyway, I'll think about it and see if I can come up with a better solution.
View ArticleRe: Shadow Landscape Specifications
Thank you so much for the advice! I think this is a possible option I can discuss with my team. I think they really want to get a true simulation of our environment to test on so that our upgrades will...
View ArticleRe: Crystal Reports - Export as PDF to stream - The system cannot find the...
Hi, After reviewing that thread I can see there is a workaround that may/may not impact performance, however this is the original approach I'm using and still experiencing the error. As an alternative...
View ArticleRe: VL10E batch job restrictions on delivery creation
Hi Navaneetha, Thanks for the reply. can you please explain me with my example please. regardsTrupthi
View ArticleRe: VL10E batch job restrictions on delivery creation
Hi Noel, Yes I can do that but Delivery number has been generated by then. in few post they have suggested the exit LV50R_VIEWH19 but it didn't work for me. Can you please suggest me the better place...
View ArticleNot able to change the Data view in the DP Planning Book
Hi Team , I am not able to change the Data view in the Planning Book in APO DP, and also while I am trying to create a new Data view in the System it does not allow me. Please see the below screen shot...
View ArticleRe: Issue doing availability check in APO for GATP
I remember using this BAPI in the past.. and i understand, there is field which decide where to do the ATP.don't remember exactly but it should you give you a hint. Please check the parameters passed...
View ArticleRe: GRC AC10.0 FF Workflows are not completing
So, quite interesting. When assigning SAP_ALL to the FF-Owner or FF-Controller for processing the approval it works. So it is an authorization issue and the SU53 is evidencing that. Based on that issue...
View ArticleRegistrar Screen Painter
Buenas tardes, necesito registrar el add on Screen Painter, pero no logro encontrar el archivo adr ni el exe para hacer el registro y la debida instalación. La instalación de SAP BO se realizó desde un...
View ArticleRe: Extending UI5 Image control
Hi Prabhjot, Where are you writting this code - oImage.setProperty("imageLocation", "{CATEGORY}"); in the controller or view? If it is in the view can you not pass the value for property imageLocation...
View ArticleRe: PO as IDoc to PI and as XML from PI to Vendor
the same can be found in IDoc Interface: EDI Application Scenarios (BC-SRV-EDI) - SAP Library (just not that nice like the PDF which is unfortunately no longer available at SAP sites)
View ArticleRe: Strategy to handle Historical data in SAP BW
Hi, Starting point for Information Lifecycle Management are the business users' requirements for storing the data for a certain time period. This will depend on the type of information. So it will be...
View ArticleRe: Tracking down a bottle neck
Your observation is correct, joining a file to a table results in a cartesian product by default.Most effective solution will be loading the file in the database first and then perform a database join....
View ArticleRe: F4 Help Restriction using Std BAdi - BEx report
Dynamic Security Using OrgUnit Hierarchy
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