Re: Row expansion input screen
Hi Matthias, If you read my document about Static report - you will see that everything is very simple 1. Your column axis is static - meaning - static number of columns!2. You have to create members...
View ArticleRe: Error 'HTTP status code 400 Bad Request' while executing HTTP request...
I'm a bit confused and i'm not sure if we can enable both AEX(single stack) and PI(dual stack) on the same host. Can you try executing the configuration scenario "PI Self Test for AEX " and share your...
View ArticleRe: US/CANADA Tax issue
Hi, We have a similar scenario. Please let us know what are the steps performed to calculate Canadian Tax while silling from US Company Code (either through their warehouse in canada or directly...
View Article/XNFE/NFE_ITEM - Campos novos
Pessoal outra duvida, Estava verificando o arquivo XML sobre a tag <DI> e a estrutura não se reflete na estrutura de item /XNFE/NFE_ITEM dentro do GRC. Onde estão esses novos campos ?...
View ArticleChanging Business Partner from Lead to Customer
SBO Version: 8.82 PL04 Forum, We are having an issue converting a Business Partner record from 'Lead' to 'Customer'. If we create a Business Partner as a lead, our sales reps allocate several...
View ArticleRe: CL_SALV_TABLE vs REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY Column Headings
Hi. Well try this: gr_columns->set_optimize( 'X' ). gr_column ?= gr_columns->get_column( 'LCKBETR' ). gr_column->set_short_text( ' ' ). gr_column->set_medium_text( ' Landed Cost w/o...
View ArticleRe: Start Routine btwn 2LIS_11_VAITM(Infosource) -> 0SD_O01(DSO)
Hi Ramanjaneyulu, There are no transfer rules and update rules, its a 7.X flow with infosource. Regards,Dilip.
View ArticleRe: Conflicts in PSM while synchronization-
Hello , For conflict type , you have a maintain an action . So in order to resolve the conflict , you have to take that action /solution . Kindly take the action for the conflict and adjust the...
View ArticleRe: Storyteller plus mission
Thanks, Wenjun. That has helped us get closer. We will continue the investigation. Stay tuned.
View ArticleRe: R3trans Error after System refresh
Thats Fine. I am not going to touch in source system. But my connect user should be source system ID in target system. I did above mentioned passwords changes but still i am getting the same error....
View ArticleRe: statistics server migration to embedded
Hi Patrick, Nothing else was really mentioned in the update from the developer. There is a workaround which is to disable the collector if you cannot upgrade to SP9 at the time. Please keep in mind...
View ArticleRe: Multiple Hierarchies - Nodes not assigned
Hi, Is this a definite rule or guide because just if we loaded a different hierarchy from the ECC source system this would be possible. i.e. a base member may be under a different parent and thats why...
View ArticleRe: issue with attachment in soap protocol
in runtime workbench did you see any other messages in error state for this interface? If so cancel those error messages first. Also as requested please share the audit log information. (open that...
View ArticleRe: PERSONAS 2.0 toolbars hidden in basic view
As of today, even patch 31 is available. I'd think you have probably a 64-bit Unicode system. If so, go to -> Software downloads -> Support packages and patches -> K -> SAP...
View ArticleSAP Fiori Client (using VPN): Page keeps loading
Hi Everyone, Please guide me how to use SAP Fiori Client in mobile using VPN - Junos Pulse.When trying to log into Fiori Client, I enter the username and password after which the page just keeps...
View ArticleRe: Personas - changing search help icon
Hi Tang, You can' change the Icon of the search help as it is not available during design time in personas. You cant even hide just that. Its a actually not a text box but a different control and...
View ArticleReg:Unable to claim a Task using BPM OData
Hi,I am using BPM OData services to start,claim and complete a task .I am successfully able to start a process,Get data from a Task using OData services but not able to claim a Task. I did try to test...
View ArticleRe: Which Table in sales order (va01) updates MD04 requirement qty ?
Hello Deven, MD04 updates table VBBE in background. I believe your requirement can be match through Status profile. Thanks
View ArticleRe: List of ASE 15.0+ features not supported in repserver 12.6
Guess the answer depends on what you consider 'high visibility features', eh. - master database replication?- multi-path replication?- improved db resync support? (more of a RS feature but requires...
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