Issue in Data transfers using ALE for E-Recruiting standalone system
Dear Experts, We have an issue in data transfers using ALE.When we configured iDoc in Sandbox and its working fine. But when it comes to Dev and Quality servers this is not working fine. we have...
View ArticleRe: Data Migration Template from Salesforce to C4C
Thanks a lot Ankur. Its really helpful!!
Hi Expert. Please help me for Business requirement to Download MD4C data to Excel. I was use Badi for Button with help of Internet (MD_ORDER_REPORT).Button is display Like below screen. but when I...
View ArticleRe: internal order
Hi Mukthar, In table level i am giving internal order and GL account but the system saying no value found. This error is coming by giving GL account only. If i give only order it's coming but the...
View ArticleRe: EDI output triggered for old PO
do you sometimes copy production system to refresh a test system? In that case you may find a hint by looking at the PO how it was when the last copy was done.I guess these where unprocessed messages....
View ArticleRe: Trouble while installing SAP trial version.
Hi,You also need to tell me where can I find this file. Sorry, I am new to this..
View ArticleRe: Trouble while installing SAP trial version.
Hi And also could you share the your system configuration details. BRSS
View ArticleRe: discrepancy in stock movement for the consignment customer for 633 movement
why didn't you immediately check CO09 ? Isn't this located in the SD menu?If there is not much business with this part, then you may still see the root cause today
View ArticleRe: item does not match schedule line (program error) in sap
when you say "reports are available" , does that mean you executed them ?
View ArticleRe: E Recruitment - Unable to release profile . Unfortunately system...
Hi Shibashis, I am facing the same issue...internal candidate is not able to release profile even i have run the above 2 reports given by you..Please let me how your issue resolved..Thanks in advance....
View ArticleRe: COPA based Dashboard taking too much time...
Dear Tariq, 1) I think you are using the Universe directly on Multi provider. The issue would be with the your first cube which has 200 keyfigures and 50 characteristics. Is there any way to reduce the...
View Articlejcontrol.exe some processes running
Hello all, I can not start the jcontal after migration of application server, The icon is yellow and only some processess running ... I havd this from dev_jcontrol hr 1524] java -classpath...
View ArticleIF Else statement in BEX
Dear BW Eperts, I am working on one of the Support issue below logic is applied at query level i am not sure about how it will work can any one explain the logic that would help me a lot. (NODIM (A)...
View ArticleRe: item does not match schedule line (program error) in sap
Hi, Refer the KBA: 1464620 - Error V1427: Item does not match schedule line which explains the reason and the solution for the issue. Regards,AKPT
View ArticleRe: Issue with KOMP field in Billing for Pricing
Thanks All.. I have written the code in "USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP " and it is not working.
View ArticleRe: Request in sap bex
Hi,Thank you very much for your replies and your replies very helpful for me but iam looking different way like version management suppose if we have like infocube,infoobject where we can find the all...
View ArticleRe: trouble while installing SAP on windows 8.1
Hi Suhas, Please ref this links . . . . SAP Installation - How to install vmware on external HDD directly?...
View ArticleHow to create a simple BI data model using sandbox ?
How to create a simple BI data model using sandbox ?
View Articleerror in version number increment for version 99
Hi sap gurus,I am getting the below issue that my document version number is from 00 to 99. Now we reached to 99. after this when we are trying to create a document with version 100, it is not...
View ArticleRe: IW37N - work order printing: Pop-up window deactivation
Sankar, Are you printing to your LOCL printer (SU3 settings). If so, then this could be a Windows Printer issue, rather than an SAP issue.. PeteA
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