Hello all,
when i have click on Post Button show error MSG "Tick on MRP indicator ".
But when I tick on mrp indicator and enter than I click on POST button again MSG show "Tick on MRP indicator".
I already Tick on MRP indicator .
i write below code.
Read table IT_MSEG into wa_mseg index 1 .
if sy-subrc eq 0.
if wa_mseg-werks = '1000' or wa_mseg-werks = '1100' .
select single lifnr from j_1imovend into lv_lifnr
where lifnr = wa_mseg-lifnr and j_1ivtyp in ('FD', 'SD').
if sy-subrc eq 0.
message 'Tick on MRP Indicator ' type 'E' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'.