Hi John,
Once you have the selected entries of the ALV in an internal table.
You need to use e-mail body as HTML and use HTML tags to build the table in email body.
Could you tell me if you are using any function module for e-mail triggerring or are you using class-methods.
if you are using class CL_DOCUMENT_BCS then you can use like below:
*-- Create the email document
lo_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'HTM'
i_text = lt_message_body
i_subject = lv_subject ).
then while populating table LT_MESSAGE_BODY you need to use table tags like <TD> <TR> and format the table as required and build the body content. This should do the trick.
And if you are using any Function module then may be the below link might help you:
You just need to change the table html tags as required and build it. The link is just a reference.