I was finally able to process the XML on SCM Inbound ( I changed the Idoc in ECC to have Vendor as ABC to avoid the leading zeroes issue which i was facing earlier due to which XML was failing earlier). Now XML is getting processed successfully in SCM system but i cant see anything in SNC portal.
Below is the SLG1 log from SCM system..... please let me know what am I missing?
Start of inbound processing: ReplenishmentOrderNotification (ID 0000000004948442)
Starting process type and party role determination
Process type could not be determined; search for default process type
Default process type (ICH) determined successfully
Starting logical partner role determination
Logical partner role is 'Sold-To Party'
Logical partner role determination has been completed successfully
Process type and party role determination completed successfully
Starting address action determination
No Customizing found; standard action is 'map all addresses'
End of address action determination
TST 20140912000000 (type CreationDateTime) was transferred as local time, interpretation as UTC
The active implementation of BAdI '/SCA/BIF_MI_ITMBPRT' 'BEFORE_MASTER_DATA_ACCESS' has been run
The active implementation of BAdI '/SCA/BIF_MI_PRODID' 'BEFORE_MASTER_DATA_ACCESS' has been run
Order 4300035265 item 00001: DeliveryPeriodEndDateTime is missing in schedule line
BOL processing started for Process Type 'ICH' Process Name 'REPLORDER'
Calling BOL Service Class '/SCA/CL_SVORDER'
Starting master data completion
Reading Customizing settings
Customizing profile SREPLORD has successfully been determined
Start ShipFromLocation determination
Item 00001: ShipFromLocation ABC was determined successfully
Start ShipToLocation determination
Item 00001: ShipToLocation only contains an address
End of master data completion
Start: read ODM order
End: read ODM order
Start: validation framework
Validation started for validation profile POC1 (ICH - REPLORDER - HEADER)
Validation for validation profile POC1 (ICH - REPLORDER - HEADER) was successful
Validation started for validation profile POC1 (ICH - REPLORDER - ITEM)
Validation for validation profile POC1 (ICH - REPLORDER - ITEM) was successful
Validation started for validation profile POC1 (ICH - REPLORDER - LINE)
Validation for validation profile POC1 (ICH - REPLORDER - LINE) was successful
End: validation framework
Start: Call work order
End: Call work order
Start: write ODM order
The Document Flow is not active
End: write ODM order
BOL processing ended successfully for Process Type 'ICH' Process Name 'REPLORDER'
End of inbound processing: ReplenishmentOrderNotif. for PO collaboration