Hi All,
I am posting using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST
I Stuck with tax code, Not sure what are all mandatory to pass on.
The below parameters i am passing into BAPI , always getting an error : FI/CO interface: Line item entered several times
Any one could please let me know do i am missing some thing here ?
Account G/L,
ls_bapi_gl-itemno_acc = is_item-line_item_no. "Line Item Number
ls_bapi_gl-gl_account = is_item-saknr. "GL Account
ls_bapi_gl-profit_ctr = is_item-prctr. "Profit Centre
ls_bapi_gl-fis_period = is_header-monat. "Period
ls_bapi_gl-pstng_date = is_header-budat. "Posting Date
ls_bapi_gl-tax_code = is_item-mwskz. "Tax Code
APPEND ls_bapi_gl TO ct_bapi_gl.
CLEAR ls_bapi_gl.
ls_currency-itemno_acc = is_item-line_item_no.
ls_currency-currency = is_header-waers."Currency
IF is_item-dmbtr IS NOT INITIAL.
ls_currency-amt_doccur = is_item-dmbtr. "Debit Amount
ls_currency-amt_base = is_item-dmbtr. "Amount Base
ls_currency-amt_doccur = is_item-wrbtr * -1. "Credit Amount
ls_currency-amt_base = is_item-wrbtr * -1. "Amount Base
ADD ls_currency-amt_doccur TO cv_balance.
APPEND ls_currency TO ct_currency.
CLEAR ls_currency.
Tax Build,
ls_bapi_tax-itemno_acc = is_item-line_item_no. "Line Item Number
ls_bapi_tax-gl_account = is_item-saknr. "GL Account
ls_bapi_tax-tax_code = is_item-mwskz. "Tax Code
APPEND ls_bapi_tax TO ct_tax.
CLEAR ls_bapi_tax.