thanks a lot for your quick reply!
Our process is :
1、creat a project and material component
2、run mrp, transfer the reservation of the material to product order
3、creat sales order
4、done GR of pro order
5、 delivery goods -cns0
6、billing -vf01 ( use billing plan)
When we do cns0, the value picked the plan value of the pro order. but when we billing, it still use the VPRS condition of the sales order. I wish the VPRS condition type could update to the plan value when i do billing or it could be the plan value at the begining.
PS: As the requirement of customer, the sales cost only can be confirmed when the goods is billed. So when we do delivery, the cost of goods was
posted to a account, and when we do billing, the cost was trasfered to sales cost with the same account. So, I have to found a way to make sure the values of cost of the delivery and billing are the same.
We have used the vl01n to creat delivery before , the value of vprs in the sales order was the st. price, when delivery, it also used the plan value of the wbs, and billing will update the VPRS value to the plan value too.
As the VL01N can't release the reservation of network, so we have change to use CNS0. Then, the probelm comes.