I NEED TO ENCRIPT APPLICATION SERVER DATA THAT'S WHY I USED ABOVE FUNCTIONAL MODULE when ever i execute abouve functional module got same error ,my question is
1.how to assign commend line for encript in SM69
2.how to execute '.exe' file for encript the application data ie pdf file
my path of application data is '/usr/sap/DEV/SYS/deva.pdf' un encripted data.
in the above document i cant understood in the
Once you download the tool, extract the file into a folder. Start the DOS command line window (i.e. run "cmd" command from "Start Menu"->"Run"); then run the EncryptPDF command from the command line window (EncryptPDF software can be found in your EncryptPDF decompression directory). Refer to the help file in the extracted folder for more information:
EncryptPDF -i c:\sample.pdf -o c:\out.pdf -w owner -u user -l c:\out.log
EncryptPDF -i c:\sample.pdf -w owner -u user -e 40 -p
EncryptPDF -i c:\sample.pdf -w owner -u user -e 40 -k -828
EncryptPDF -i c:\pdfdir\ -o d:\ -w owner -p -c -m -l c:\error.log
inthis part