I have downloaded a week ago and used Kepler Eclipse with no issues with the editor.
I have done all the assignments for Week1 & 2 for CLOUD2- Next Steps class and suddenly (just being dramatic, I must have inadvertently done something, obviously) and now I am in a state where I am getting the following messages and cannot exit out of Eclipse without a process shutdown from admin -ouch.
Event1: When I try to look at any source code or try to generate a SQL window etc.
" No editor descriptor for id org.eclipse.ui.internal.emptyEditorTab"
Event2: When I try to Exit Eclipse or whenever I click on any action to occur other than trying to view Source code...
"An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
I am not sure what my choices are except perhaps reinstall Eclipse Kepler? Anyone have any ideas?
If I have to reinstall Eclipse Kepler - how do I save te work I have done to date? Is it in my workspace? Will I be making a mistake using the same workspace? If so can I bring the work over to a new workspace?
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.