I am getting same available capacity 168 for all the process orders in CM01.
Example: X order with qty 630,000 LB have below dates and showing Available capacity 168 in CM01
Basic End : 06/17/2014 23:00:00
Basic start: 06/16/2014 18:17:03
Hello Uday,
Check Intervals and shifts in WC capacities view if any intervals maintained if not then it would consider capacity header operation time and the FC assigned to consider the number of working days a week.
As you are saying operating time is 24 hrs and Utilization is 100% then per day 24 hrs(Assuming Individual capacity is 1) and if you have FC with 7 days a week working then per week your available capacity is 7*24=168 hrs
As far as 24 week is concerned we already in to mid of the week so accordingly it is showing your available capacity.
And the production order requirements(Start and End times) are calculated based on your formula assigned in WC capacities view and the routing activities maintained.