Hi Abhilash,
As you have said,I have the option 'Save Data with report' as unchecked.
The datasource is SQL SERVER 2008
The CR version is
Let me give you an example.There are two reports.
1.The first report has a mandatory prompt(Prompt field data type: String).When a value is not entered in the prompt window and OK button is clicked ,the report runs and fetches data.I see the same behaviour in both CR Designer and the BO Enterprise.
2.The second report has a mandatory prompt(Prompt field data type: number).When a value is not entered in the prompt window and OK button is clicked, "Please enter a value " message pops up.I see the same behaviour in both CR Designer and the BO Enterprise.
To summarize, the mandatory prompt works when the input parameter data type is number, it does not work if it is string.
So, I'm thinking if the mandatory input parameter type is string and when no value is entered in the prompt, the CR takes it as Null/blank and goes ahead and runs the report.
Is there any additional settings to overcome this behaviour OR can this be a bug in CR?