My understanding is that the Crystal Reports support for an ALV datasource within ECC is currently LIMITED to the "classic" Crystal Reports 2013.
The CR-2013 desktop tool reads the ALV data as a "DataRecord" table [Database Type : ADO .NET (XML)] - and presents the resulting *.rpt template via the Crystal Suite Viewer within ECC.
Using an ALV datasource within ECC is NOT supported for the newer Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1 desktop product.
This means supporting two (2) different Crystal Reports desktop tools on the each of developer PCs...
- CR-2013 for developing *rpt content against ALV datasources within ECC.
- Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1 for developing *rpt content against BW Datasources.
Assuming the facts stated above are all 100% correct, is there any direction in the SAP Roadmap for Crystal Reports to allow the Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1 product to be used for consuming ALVs and supporting "Embedded Analytics" within ECC (ie.Replacing functionality of CR-2013)...?
Is there any SAP documentation that clearly states the CURRENT side-by-side requirement for two (2) different Crystal Reports desktop tools on the each of developer PCs...?
Thanks in advance for the advice.