I have copied standard data element PARNR to ZPARNR.
Behavior of standard Element 'PARNR':
Element PARNR is used for partner number in tables KNVP and KNVK. Element has domain PARNR of type NUMC and lenght = 10.
When data is printed for standard table KNVP/KNVK ( using se16 or any other means), field is displayed with leading zeros. Ex. if field has value = 1000, it is being displayed as 0000001000.
There are no conversion routine provided to PARNR.
Behavior of custom data element 'ZPARNR':
Standard data element was copied to ZPARNR, and it has the same domain and same attributes as that of standard data element. However, when this data element was used in a custom table, it does not display leading zeros.
I have already tried using conversion routine "ALPHA" and even that didn't work. Can someone please provide me a solution.
(Please remember, I don't want to change data type to CHAR)